Ceramic Forum, Glass Manufacturing Technology and Wide-Gap Semiconductors

Weekdays: 9:30- 18:00

SiC (Silicon Carbide)

We handle a wide range of well-known manufacturers, such as SiCrystal Inc. and Norstel AB of Sweden, Europe's largest SiC single crystalline wafer manufacturers.

SiC n-type Bulk Wafers


We handle SiC single crystal bulk wafers which are determined to be the substrate for the next generation of power devices.We are proud of our world-class quality.

半絶縁_overview-01.pngSiC Semi-insulating Bulk Wafers

We deal with SiC semi-insulating bulk wafers used as wafers for high-frequency devices such as next-generation cellular phone base stations and radar etc.

filter_ion_overview-01.pngFiltered SiC Ion Implantation Services

We provide technology to dramatically improve doping controllability for SiC epilayers.

Also, although said to be very difficult to achieve in SiC, this technology has the potential to realize the creation of super junction structures, etc.

sic_epi_overview-01.pngSiC Epi Services

We are providing SiC epitaxial services influencing the performance of SiC devices. Depending on the request, we are trying to meet all specifications from n-type, p-type, to 600 V devices, and epi for ultra-high voltage devices exceeding 10 kV.

ion_implant_overview-01.pngIon Implantation Services

Extremely high output is required for deep ion implantation for Si and SiC power devices. We provide such high-powered ion implantation services. Applications in Si lifetime control, and SiC deep implantation, etc. are expected.

SiC_device_proto_overview-01.pngSiC Device Foundry

To develop and manufacture SiC devices, highly advanced technology and know-how are necessary.

At a foundry with more than 20 years of development experience, we offer device development services.


SiC_polishing-01.pngWafer processing services

CMP processing, reclaim polishing, wafer thinning, wire-saw processing, cleaning, process evaluation, etc. for various wafers.

For any questions or requests regarding our services please feel free to contact us via phone or inquiry form.
For Telephone Inquiries
Weekdays 9:30-18:00